Satyajit Turumella
Satyajit has over 12 years of experience in providing IT advisory, and cyber services to clients covering diverse sectors of the
economy. He heads the IT Advisory and Cyber services division that provides IT consulting services including Information
systems Incident handling and Information architecture advisory services, Cyber Security services, IT internal audits, project
management and Software Quality assurance services, IT audits, Cyber forensic fraud investigations, Privacy and Data
Protection advisory and other related advisory services.
He is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), a Certified Data Privacy Solutions Engineer (CDPSE) and is currently pursuing Certified Ethical Hacker (Master).
He has a wealth of experience to do with Information Systems Audits, data analytics and Information Security Audits, Software development, feasibility studies, Data Governance consulting and IT Due diligence as part of Financial and Tax due diligences among others.
He has led several engagements with clients from a broad spectrum of industry sectors ensuring client satisfaction and extensive collaboration to understand demands and meet professional standards. He has lead and acted as a quality reviewer on engagements which include but are not limited to: Infosec advisory, IT internal audits, Cybersecurity services, cyber forensic investigations, project management, Product monetisation consulting, IT Consultancy and IT Audit and Assurance engagements.
He is currently a Journal reviewer for ISACA International, has also been part of the Risk IT framework Development taskforce
for ISACA International and CISA Manual (28th Edition) Subject Matter Expert Reviewer in the domain of IT Audit and Assurance.
Wednesday Day 1: 27th September 2023
Digital Trust for Executives – Roundtable
Discussing technology and digital trust in an interactive session for participants in leadership roles (Directors & Board Members and C-Level Executives)
● Mr. Satyajit Turumella – IT Advisory Director - Grant Thornton EA
● Ms. Josephine Olok – Director - LumJo Consultants Ltd
● Mr. Samuel Gitta – General Manager Risk and Compliance – MTN Uganda